The Plain English Guide to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund in 20 Minutes or Less

Wednesday, April 7, 3:00 pm EST

To Register, click here:

Restauranteurs are busy people! It can be tedious to read confusing government lingo. Therefore, we have put together a fast-paced webinar called "The Plain English Guide to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund in 20 Minutes or Less."

The webinar covers:

· What is the program (grant, loan...)?

· What types of businesses qualify?

· Who will get the money first?

· How much will your business qualify for?

· When can you expect to receive funds?

· What can you spend the money on?

· What should you do next?

The webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes. However, the presentation part will be no more than 20 minutes so people can get on with their day. If anyone wishes to stay for questions, we will happily answer them.

Food Creators Financial, LLC works with food and beverage entrepreneurs on all things financial. We have studied the Restaurant Revitalization Fund in the new American Rescue Plan Act in precise detail.

This is not a sales pitch. Nothing will be sold or offered. It is pure education.

Date and Time:

Wednesday, April 7, 3:00 pm EST

To Register, click here: